That’s me, Luca. The founder of the company, shooting the Kickstarter campaign that launched the company and proved to us that the problem we faced was one large enough to attract over 120 backers.
We are people that like to have fun and care about the environment. Our product helps keep thousands of chargers out of landfills every year and a percentage of our profits goes to planting trees in farmlands around Toronto Canada. We actually do most of the planting ourselves with the help of some friends of mine who studied forestry to ensure the best probability the trees will survive and help clean our air of carbon dioxide.
We also are big on power consumption and will occasionally order in bulk high-efficiency LED lightbulbs to give out to the public while doing promotions for CordCondom.
We believe in efficiency and go long ways to ensure what we do does not affect the environment negatively.
if you have any suggestions on things you would like to see us doing more of, please use the contact us form and let us know. We love hearing rom our fans and will most likely write back to you in under 48 hours.
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